Mend White Logo

Application risk management system with customized solutions

Mend mockup

Application Risk Management: Advanced solutions for development and security teams, formerly known as Whitesource, specializes in application security risk management and provides tools for building a mature and proactive AppSec program. With over a decade of experience, the company helps global organizations create world-class application security programs that reduce risks and accelerate development.’s tools are tailored for development and security teams and integrate with technologies that the teams are already familiar with, aiming to help developers manage their open-source code libraries and reduce security and licensing risks. The company’s automated technology protects organizations from supply chain attacks, malicious packages, vulnerabilities in open-source and custom code, and open-source license risks.

  • Company: Mend
  • Field of Activity: Application Security (appsec)
  • Website:
  • Project: A platform for managing application risks with tailored solutions for development and security teams.
  • Year: 2022
  • Duration: Two years, currently receiving support from the studio

Home page

This Dashboard screen is the home page of the platform, where users can get an overview of their organization’s security status, including details on findings, their breakdown by severity or scanning engine, and the most risky applications and projects.

Mend screens - home
Mend screen - Findings

Essential Information and Recommendations Screen

On the containers findings page, users can see all of the findings in their project along with additional details about each finding inside a side panel.

Secrets Review Screen

The containers secrets shows any secrets in a given project. Users can group them by layer in order to get a better understanding of where they are in the cloud.

Mend screens - Secrets
Mend screens - Deployments

Automatic Display of Deployed Images

The deployments tab shows all deployed images, helping users understand what actually needs to be fixed immediately so they can prioritize their work accordingly.

What exactly did we do?

Working with a development team

Answering questions as part of ongoing weekly meetings

UX Wireframing

Characterization and UX design of system screens for desktop

UI Design

Complete, thorough, and detailed UI design for all of the screens of the Paradome system.

Design System

Building a Design System, a dynamic system of components which allow uniformity and efficiency in further design work