In April 2022, the NAB Show took place. This show is an annual conference produced by the National Association of American Broadcasters and has been held at the Las Vegas Convention Center (Nevada) since 1991. This conference is the largest representation in the field of media, entertainment and technology in a variety of environments: Television broadcasts, radio, production, post-production, news, streaming, cable and satellite TV, film restorations, data storage and management, cyber protection, and more. The conference in 2022 took place after two years of its cancellation due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and about fifty thousand guests from all over the world registered to participate in the conference.
This year, one of our clients Synamedia decided to take an active and significant part in the conference. Synamedia, whose product lines formerly belonged to Cisco, is a technology provider based in England and whose products cover content distribution and delivery, video processing, advanced advertising, broadband solutions, and broadcast security.
Our studio started working with Synamedia in 2020, and we are happy to accompany the product teams to this day in a variety of projects, platforms and products. The studio works with Synamedia on a variety of projects, starting with the characterization of new products and improving and upgrading existing products, through the creation of brand-adapted designs and ending with the accompaniment of the development teams. We have also assisted on several research projects related to SaaS portals as well as product and developer documentation best practices.
At this conference, the senior management took part in a number of peripheral discussions on cyber protection issues in pirated broadcasts as well as in the world of targeted advertising. In booth W10113, Synamedia presented the best of it has developed.
These products, which we were happy to take a significant part in the wireframing and UI design process, received a lot of praise at the conference from colleagues and counterparts in the market, with an emphasis on the excellent user experience. The conference brought the company a significant leap forward in the market and provided many opportunities that had not appeared before. As a result, our work with Synamedia expanded its horizons and we entered more and more projects and products.